Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Ten Things I’ve Learned from my Chickens

1. The early bird gets the worm. The late bird steals it.

2. If someone won't get out of your way, peck them in the head.

3. Keep your eyes on the sky; others like to attack from above.

4. If all else fails, hide.

5. Stay close to the safety and comfort of home even when free-ranging.

6. The opposite sex is made up of a bunch of cocks.

7. Scratching around in the dirt sometimes turns up surprising things.

8. Keep your eggs in a safe place and defend from intruders at all costs.

9. Often long brooding over good eggs is rewarded... over bad eggs: not so much.

10. Find the highest perch so you can poop on others while simultaneously avoiding getting pooped upon.

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